Sunday, March 11, 2012

from Oliver Twist by Dickens

This bitter disappointment caused Oliver much sorrow 
and grief, even in the midst of his happiness; for he
had comforted himself many times during his illness, with
thinking of all that Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Bedwin 
would say to him: and what delight it would be to tell
them how many long days and nights he had passed in 
reflecting on what they had done for him, and in 
wailing his cruel separation from them. The hope 
of eventually clearing himself with them, too, and ex-
plaining how he had been forced away, had buoyed him
up, and sustained him, under many of his recent trials; 
and now, the idea that they should have gone so far,
and carried with them the belief that he was an impostor
and a robber – a belief which might remain uncontra-
dicted to his dying day – was almost more than he 
could bear.

The circumstance occasioned no alteration, however,
in the behaviour of his benefactors. After another fort-
night, when the fine warm weather had fairly begun, and
every tree and flower was putting forth its young leaves
and rich blossoms, they made preparations for quitting
the house at Chertsey, for some months. Sending the 
plate, which had so excited the Jew's cupidity, to the 
banker's; and leaving Giles and another servant in care
of the house, they departed to a cottage at some distance
in the country, and took Oliver with them.

Who can describe the pleasure and delight, the peace
of mind and soft tranquility, the sickly boy felt in the 
balmy air, and among the green hills and rich woods
of an island village! Who can tell how scenes of peace
and quietude sink into the minds of pain-worn dwellers
in close and noisy places, and carry their own freshness,
deep into their jaded hearts! Men who have lived in
crowded, pent-up streets, through lives of toil, and who
have never wished for change; men to whom custom 
has indeed been second nature, and who have come
almost to love each brick and stone that formed the
narrow boundaries of their daily walks; even they,
with the hand of death upon them, have been known
to yearn at last for one short glimpse of Nature's face;
and, carried, far from the scenes of their old pains and
pleasures, have seemed to pass at once into a new state
of being. Crawling forth, from day to day, to some 
green sunny spot, they have had such memories wak-
ened up within them by the sight of sky, and hill, and
plain, and glistening water, that a foretaste of heaven 
itself has soothed their quick decline, and they have 
sunk into their tombs, as peacefully as the sun, whose
setting they watched from their lonely chamber-window
but a few hours before, faded from their dim and feeble
sight! The memories which peaceful country scenes 
call up, are not of this world, nor of its thoughts and 
hopes. Their gentle influence may teach us how to 
weave fresh garlands for the graves of those we loved:
may purify our thoughts, and bear down before it old
enmity and hatred; but beneath all this, there lingers,
in the least reflective mind, a vague and half-formed
consciousness of having held such feelings long before,
in some remote and distant time, which calls up solemn
thoughts of distant times to come, and bends down pride
and worldliness beneath it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Grammatical Gender Assignment


In French a noun may either be feminine or masculine, be it inanimate, conceptual, or living. These are either/or semantic opposites: the thing implied must be of one gender or the other, as follows:-

le for masculine nouns, les for plural (le canard, les canards);
la for feminine nouns, les for plural (las vache, les vaches).

(indefinite articles:- un, une, des)

This is not exclusive to French, but a part of all Romance languages. However this apparently arbitrary classification came to be is cause for wonder, even for French speakers.

The subject interested me as, being a speaker of Castellano (Spanish), I sometimes struggle to use the correct grammatical gender: masculine, feminine, or (scantly used) neuter. It spurred me to think a little more on how it is used. 

Unlike French, the conundrum is not quite so great in Castellano since a large many so nouns end in either a or o (feminine; masculine)See 'LESSON II - GENDER' from my first instruction in Castellano via the Teach Yourself series:

LESSON II - GENDER from Spanish by N.Scarlyn Wilson, first printed and published
in 1939  by David McKay Co. Inc. (predecessor to Random House) 
Difficulties aside there are clear advantages. For instance, take an everyday utterance ripe with nouns, pronouns and possessives,

el techo de mi casa y el de la que Ud. compra;

the roof of my house and (that of) the one you are buying.

Immediately you can see the Castellano is shorter; the roof is masculine, the house(s) is(are) feminine, such that when they are referred to again at the end it is clear which stands for what: – el, the roof, and la, the house. 

Incidentally, 'that of' may well be left out entirely in spoken English. In which case doubt is cast over whether it was the house or the roof the two the second speaker was buying. In Castellano we can see 'that of' is masculine and 'the one' is feminine, both are singular, and easy to understand. 

In addition to this, the items to which el or la stand for are not always obliged to reside in the same sentence. They can be repeated in order to summon that previously mentioned thing (masculine, feminine, singular, or plural). 
One has to admit the demonstratives shown in the example above are neater and yield greater capabilities than does our poor gender-less English.

ventanas; windows

el techo y las ventanas de mi casa y las de la que Vd. compra.

Now we see by las that it is the windows which the speaker is referring to and NOT the roof. 

A full phrase,

Fué el baño, los techos y las ventanas de mi casa y las de la que Vd. compra también que se dañaron, no la suya ni aquella;

It was the bathroom, the roofs and windows of my house and those of the one you are buying, too, that were damaged, not hers nor that one over there (yonder).

From the English phrase we can't properly determine what 'those', 'the one', 'hers', 'that one', 'yonder' might be, and the bathrooms, houses, roofs, and windows are all ambiguously mixed into one (headache!). Here, new prepositions, repeating the nouns, or an altogether rephrasing of the example would be necessary in order to be clear.  

Well, in making a long story short... wait, that's precisely what we can't do! Okay, maybe it's not all that and your reader will do well to coax it straight out into something more coherent, but it will never be made to reduce to the succinctness of the Castellano.