Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Back In The BsAs! (Buenos Aires)

After a year and a half abroad – back in Buenos Aires! Suitcase full of teaching materials. Ready to work again! Preferences: large groups, unchanging groups (fixed members), flexibility with materials, motivated students, proximity to home, good professional development.

Wish me luck!

National flag as seen from home, Centenary Park

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Dante & Maite's Corner – preparation for Australia/NZ travel

Private tuition: Dante Patetta (Entrepreneur) & Maite Laurenzzo (Student)


Maite began English study in secondary school and took private lessons for several months leading up to planned overseas stay, which lasted about 1.5 years. Took semi-intensive English classes overseas for a period of months. Has gained a good ear for it and picked up fluency of speech, with respect to pronunciation, speed and vocabulary. This was also made possible through social life and working environments (hospitality) with both native and non-native speakers.

Purpose = ESL

Goals – short-term = general fluency with a focus on vocabulary, long-term = IELTS exams

Style = self-reported more visual than auditory and kinaesthetic, a preference towards interactive or group activities, more so reflective than impulsive (?)

Expectations = 2 x two-hour lessons per week (other?)

STRATEGIES: will make use of flash cards for vocabulary, we'll keep a noodle bowl of new words, subtitled films and reading. 

 Lesson No.1                                                                                                          materials (.doc)

homework - mark, and then highlight going to + verb is also used for making predictions based on situation now, examples, check concept

which leads into the first activity which is both practice of language for making plans with will, present continuous, and going to + verb, in the context of setting up a stall at the weekend markets.

possible vocabulary:- VERBS organise, arrange, work out, design, map out, prepare, schedule; intend, aim, hope NOUNS strategy, idea, proposal, suggestion, way; aim, idea, intent, objective, goal, target; drawing, diagram, sketch, illustration.

Well done reconstructing the song from memory!

Lesson No.2                                                                                                           materials (.doc)

Speaking Practice for Ordering

Lesson No.3 

Vocabulary & Grammar poinsts

Lesson No.4                                                                                                        materials (.doc)

Public Transport

Lesson No.5                                                                                                  


Lesson No.6

Covering Letter practice


Lesson No.7

Reconvene and General Fluency

Lesson No.8

Listening with Song Reconstruction

Lesson No. 9

Lesson No. 9

Vocabulary for Planning continued