Friday, May 27, 2011

Professional development | In Treatment - Laura week 2 – WSI


Strong points were timing and preparation on this one; a successful lesson. Learners seemed happy at the end. 

Looking back at the lesson plan, weak points were eliciting past experiences from the class at the lead-in – topic didn't seem to interest, though I could have elicited more about their own experiences. Learners didn't seem completely engaged which might have effected the practice stages

I should spend less time setting up the room, and be ready as they enter, create a silence before beginning, listen to leaners at full length, sort of letting the class breath. Also didn't slow down enough in the clarifying stage and somehow skipped over checking pronunciation, modelling and drilling.

Find here my student worksheets & lesson plan for the In Treatment (HBO series) listening skills classes I've been doing lately. Anybody wanting answer sheets - just ask!

here is the episode DON'T READ THE SUBTITLES!! (maybe after lesson..) COVER THEM WITH SOME PAPER 

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