Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Professional development | In Treatment night three at WSI

Role-playing therapist and patient (with attitude of their choosing)
Think about your lesson and answer the question.

  • What happened according to plan? we discussed the series and what happened in the previous episode. Learners made predictions based on an introductory scene of the current episode. We created a mind-map of vocabulary related to attitudes, I gave examples, clarified meaning, and drilled pronunciation. We listened to a scene, completed a gap-fill and improved listening for specific information. We listened again and answered some gist questions. Learners took a few moments to decide upon three words to describe the character's attitude. I further clarified some of the vocabulary from the board. We role-played a patient-therapist situation like the one in the episode, and therapists tried to guess the chosen attitudes of their patients. We finished more or less on time.
  • What didn’t happen according to plan? 1) I hadn't checked the video was ready and as a result when I went to look for it discovered the computer, where I had copied it, is set to do an automatic clean-up upon reboot, and I found myself having to search for it on YouTube, and alas, being copyrighted, I could only find a shorter documentary version of it, which sufficed to provide listening for about three-quarters of the text. 2) Because of a 'difficult' encounter (level checking class) before this lesson, I used my set time for it and not to prepared photocopies, this delayed things – the photocopier became jammed midway through printing the last page of the worksheet and as a result learners had to share before the last listening task. 3) Owing to these delays, the post-listening task that I'd planned to run 17 minutes lasted more like 7 minutes. 
  • What happened that I didn’t expect? The photocopier jammed. Twice as many learners than I expected showed up. I apologised for the lack of worksheet copies. I had to leave the room once or twice to arrange more copies.
  • What would I do differently next time, and why? I'd be a little less relaxed about preparation. The problems with the video and worksheets completely changed the pace of the lesson so that in between stages learners, I think, might have switched off somewhat, and we didn't make it to the post-listening stage with enough time, at least to mix pairs / roles. I'd like to keep up a good rapport with the class for the rest of these series of lessons.

1 I achieved what I was aiming to do.
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2 I managed the class effectively.
0  1  3  4  5
3 I Involved the learners.
0  1  2  3  4  5
4 I used the time effectively.
0  1  2  3  4  5
5 I used the materials / aids effectively.
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