Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Professional Development | Baufest In-Company Lessons


Baufest in-company lessons

                                                                            lesson plan

  • What happened according to plan? Took down Ss' e-mail addresses. Wrote up T's journal link. Suggested they use a 'word list', Ss drew it up in the back of their books. Talked briefly about my 'cloud' calender with which we can synchronise events, etc. F redrew the language acquisition illustration 'jouney to Mordor' on the board. V found an image of Mordor on-line. A and M chose from needs analysis cards the picture which best represents their language goals.

    Personalised topic with a story about an unsuccessful team I was once part of. Two Ss told their stories. Ss completed gap-fill using vocabulary related to success.

    Ss discussed questions to generate interest in the topic 'success leadership' before reading. Ss matched those questions to respective paragraphs, individually. Ss read for general meaning answering true-or-false questions. Ss discussed in more depth the topic using quotes in book, developing fluency.

    Ss listened to 'work appraisal interview', practising listening for general meaning. Used listening to elicit TL 'It's time/I'd rather' onto the board. Elicited parallel examples. Ss completed dialogue gap-fill using the TL.

    Assigned homework task: review vocabulary from the next exercise with their new 'word lists'.
  • What didn’t happen according to plan? Introducing 'vocabulary bag'. Didn't clarify TL 'I'd better' onto board. Didn't drill pronunciation of TL. There were a couple of mistakes by the Ss in the dialogue gap-fill and not enough time to re-clarify. Didn't use at least 50% of class time to practise TL structures.
  • What happened that I didn’t expect? Std arrived late. Clarified extraneous language outside TL. Spent too long, or moved too slowly through pre-lesson aim work. The room was needed as 10 o'clock and had to leave quickly.
  • What would I do differently next time, and why? Be mindful of exercises that need plenary feedback and those that don't in order to save time and maintain pace. Not lingering in parts of the lesson in which I may have already lost pace.

1 I achieved what I was aiming to do.
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2 I managed the class effectively.
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3 I Involved the learners.
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4 I used the time effectively.
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5 I used the materials / aids effectively.
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