Friday, July 19, 2013

Professional Development | Baufest In-Company Lessons

                                                                Baufest in-company lessons

                                                                 lesson plan here and here

Great class today! beginning with a warm-up discussion on football, oil companies, and subtitled media. 

We started by correcting a letter containing spelling mistakes in pairs

No sooner had all learners arrived I listed 18 of the mistakes on the board and eliciting correct spelling rules which they produced with the aid of some photocopies of rules I had placed at their table. Learners said they had been exposed to British spellings in school, US through subtitled television and they used a mix. They said spelling might depend on whom one is writing to.

Following this we moved to the main-aim task of the day: vocabulary for ways of speaking (e.g. whisper, mumble, shriek). Learners used dictionaries to look up meaning, pronunciation, and example sentences. I watched as they made up examples speaking, writing, and shared information in groups — I didn't see anyone making notes on pronunciation though. Afterwards I drilled a few words containing longer, more difficult vowel sounds, which also served to prepare them and to segue into the next task: Stop The Bus.

Learners elicited the new vocabulary and their teams guessed the words correctly, writing them on the board. 

The team writing all words first  (A)  shouted 'stop the bus,' and the exercise was over. Some quick feedback and it was already 10 o'clock.

Outside the classroom learners collected individual homework tasks, which all aim at consolidate language covered during the course.

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